[ ME ] - it's all about your dreams

Everyone have their own dreams .. when we talk about dreams .. it will make us think about this things :- Car , Home & Money .. right? ..dreams is not like 'angan-angan Mat Jenin' .. dreams is something that we want to achieve ..we believe we can achieve ..

owh...continue in bahasa ....

hehehe .. siang tadi ..hampir seharian di ofis the agency kat USJ Taipan.agak lewat sampai.keadaan diri tak berapa sihat.gagahkan diri jgak.pada mulanya hasrat nak balik rumah after lunch.tapi session PMD buat aku nak stay sampai habis.

aktiviti buat skrap book.letakkan gmbr2 apa yg kita nak impikan dr segenap aspek. kerohanian, famili, kerjaya, komuniti & kesihatan. owh...bila dah siap, review dreams masing2...owh .. ye lah.bila kita bayangkan nak sesuatu,mesti dalam fikiran kita ialah sesuatu itu dlm bntuk gambaran .. dan bukan perkataan.thats why la kena carik gmbr yg best2.

ye.suke buat xtvt ni.dan secara tak langsung, menaikkan kembali semangatku yg turun naik.owh ... by end of this year... hopefully dapat beli laptop sendiri.yeay~!!

>dlm buku skrap tu jgak ... aku ltk gmbr org kawin.means target nak kawen bila.hurm .. kena mula carik calon skrg la kan???huwahahhaha ...wak wak btol~!!

[all the picture ... i  Google. credit to the owner ;) ]


Unknown said…
impian sy pun nk kawin! tp lmbat lg... & impikan Macbook sbg hantaran huhuhehehe
Hazniza Zin said…
hehehe .. boleh jer hantaran tu .. mintaklah dgn cik abg erma yer~

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